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Working Towards a Better Understanding of Brazilian Lichens

Here at the Grupo Brasileiro de Liquenólogos (GBL), we see the value in everyone and every project. We want to be a catalyst for positive change and synergistic activities. Since our beginnings in 1996, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our group upon: support, knowledge sharing, and progress. Learn more about our history below, who we are, what we work with, what is going on, future events, and our findings. Also check out some resources we love from other websites and some we prepared ourselves and are excited to share with you. Lastly, don't forget the real rock starts... the BRAZILIAN LICHENS and where they live!


The GBL meets every two years in a different location, usually on even years in an event called EGBL - Encontro do Grupo Brasileiro de Liquenólogos (meeting of the Brazilian Group of Lichenologists). Intercalating the years with EGBL, we have a field meeting, namely REBEL  - REunião Brasileira de Estudos Liquenológicos (Brazilian meeting of lichenological studies), usually in odd years. While REBEL is focus on collecting lichens and systematics, EGBL is open to all areas under the lichenology umbrella, including ecology, chemistry, taxonomy, interactions, etc.

For information on the next events of the GBL, please check out the events page.

Past meetings (in progress):


Check out the events website for more details!

2018: IX EGBL in Campo Grande, MS – President: Adriano A. Spielmann (abstract book - photos)

2014: VII EGBL in Porto Alegre, RS – President: Suzana Martins (abstract book - photos)

2012: VI EGBL in Botucatu, SP – President: Patrícia Jungbluth (abstract book - photos)

2010: V EGBL

2008: IV EGBL in Curitiba, PR – President: Sionara Eliasaro (abstract book - photos)

2006: III EGBL in Gramado, RS


1996: I EGBL


Check out the events website for more details!

2015: VIII REBEL in São Francisco do Sul, SC – President: Émerson Gumboski

2013: VII REBEL in Itabaiana, SE – President: Marcela Cáceres

2011: VI REBEL in Campo Grande, MS –

2010: V REBEL in Caraça, MG – President: Marcelo P. Marcelli

2009: IV REBEL in Botucatu, SP – President: Marcelo P. Marcelli




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